Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Is our government chipping or thinking of chipping illegal aliens? Could this be the answer to illegal immigration in the United States, instead of the "fence?"  Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician and Iowa Congressional Candidate in 2010, suggested that it would be cheaper to chip illegal aliens than building a fence they can crawl under.  Border patrol officers could watch repeat offenders as they approach the border and meet them as they cross and send them back.

Are you having trouble believing our government would do this? Think back to when President Bush was leaving office and it was revealed our government, since 1992, had been taking the DNA of newborn babies without parental knowledge or consent.  Is it hard to believe those same  infants could have been chipped at the same time?

The cost to American citizens is astronomical.  President Obama is requesting $3.7 billion of taxpayer’s money to increase detention facilities, Border Patrol agents, and judges to handle the recent influx of thousands of illegal aliens from Central America.  In addition, we deal with thousands of illegal aliens from Mexico.  Our government estimates there are 11 million illegal aliens living in America today, but if you ask former Border Patrol Agents, their estimate is closer to 18-20 million.  Our debt, according to the Debt Clock, will be at 20 trillion at the end of 2014.  The increase of financial burden of illegal aliens on our overextended debt is one that we can't afford.

The President recently made a trip to Texas for a fundraiser, but declined Governor Perry's request to make a trip to the border so he could see the problem firsthand.  A trip to the border and a visit with some of the border patrol officers could be the piece of the puzzle we've been looking for. Sometimes, getting in the trenches and listening can be instrumental in resolving the issue. The Border Patrol officers put their lives on the line each and every day.  Listening to these officers will give our government another component to make an informed decision for resolution of the problem whether it is the fence, additional officers, drones or possibly the human chip.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


It never fails to amaze me how talented people choose to spend their talent.  Freedom of speech?  Not with this gun.  The Japanese have developed a gun that shoots sound waves and silences anyone that would dare to speak.  It works by delayed auditory feedback (see The gun, which looks like a large laser gun used by police for speeders, picks up sound and plays it back .02 seconds later.  The brain is confused and makes it almost impossible to speak.

Normally the human brain hears the voice in sync during regular speech and can process what it hears.  But when it hears an echo, it shuts down the part of the brain designated for speech rendering the recipient of the Silence Gun unable to speak.

The future of this technology is chilling.  Will it be a larger "gun" mounted on a building that will "allow" citizens to remain silent during speeches?  What are the short and long term affects on the brain?  This technology bears watching.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Work Visas

Today on NBC DFW, Jennifer Weddel spoke with President Obama over the internet on cyber chat regarding why the president was still allowing work visas when her husband is an engineer, has ten years experience and has been laid off for three years.  The president sidestepped the question and said he would personally look at the resume.  Great President Obama.  One down-13.1 million unemployed to go (per Bureau of Labor Statistics 1.31.12).

The real question wasn't answered, "Why are you still issuing work visas when employment is so high and we have qualified people here?"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Improved Newborn and Child Screening for Heritable Disorder Bill

This bill sounds harmless enough, in fact, it sounds like a good idea.  One step closer to finding the problem and the cure.  But, if we take a closer look, this bill was signed in without a stipulation of parental consent.  That might look like a red flag to some.

Why do we care if they screen our newborns, even without our consent.  The following is food for thought:

  1. Babies born in the United States are American citizens and as such, have all the constitutional rights adults have.
  2. Is a national, possible international, database being constructed?  If so, what for.  This information would be invaluable to many sources.  Insurance companies could immediately eliminate coverage for infants that were on the list for inheritable diseases or had certain markers.
  3. DNA testing on an infant indirectly furnishes information on the parents.
  4. Citizens could be subjected to genetic testing without notification and as stated about, without consent.
  5. This information could be, in the future, in the right hands, a means for Euthanasia.  The savings for insurance companies and the government would be phenomenal.  Sounds somewhat familiar.
  6. The database information is secure.  We know, from past experience, this just isn't true.
There's alot more information I'll be adding on this subject.  Just food for thought.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I'll start with cameras. Scientists now have cameras that recognize certain sounds such as car crashes, breaking glass and gunshots. In response to certain sounds, the camera rotates and captures what could be a criminal or terrorist act. Good so far.

Biological, chemical and radiological sensors designed to warn of a terrorist attack before it's visible or results in illness also will be installed in some cities across the United States. Some already exist, but the additions will create an incredibly powerful grid. Not many people could protest against this.

In addition to early detection of terrorist attacks, the system will be used to look for criminal activity and help the cities manage disasters. We definitely do not want terrorist attacks or criminals and if the cameras can help manage disasters, even better.

Cameras are used in the workplace to continually monitor employees throughout the workday and are justified by employers because of its potential to eliminate employee theft and cut down on industrial espionage. Good for employers, but not so much for employees.

Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, in 1999 declared "Privacy is dead. Get over it." But to the majority of the citizen's I spoke with, privacy is a big issue, one of which is identity theft.
Cameras are but one of the ways that privacy is under the attack. Chip implants, credit reports, computers, credit cards, passports, underwear sniffing dogs, DNA databanks, airport x-ray type machines that leave nothing to the imagination and the list continues. I've heard people say, "Well, if there is an emergency, you'll appreciate the security and you won't care about your privacy."

There are pros and cons to the invasion of our privacy for the sake of safety, but some might say, this is but one of the ways we're ushering in a New World Order.